Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dj Epoi Bersedih

Buat Rakan semua..esp( Sunway )
Ibu tersayang rakan Dj Epoi...Jayaprakash ..telah meninggal dunia pagi semlam...
Disini Dj Epoi dan semua rakan2 Sunway tumpang bersedih....dan harapan kita orang agar Prakash sabar/tenang meneruskan perjalanan hidup ini....
Semua manusia diatas muka bumi ini...tak kira berbangsa Muslim, Chinese, Indian pasti akan Mati.......,Dj Epoi berharap kita terus mengekalkan tali persaudaraan tanpa mengira kaum....

Dj Epoi - NO WAR between Human

Semua rakan 2 Sunway/Dekon & 96 Units Bungalow sunway SPK Manjalara mengucapkan Takziah...


Anonymous said...

This is a faith from god, we can't do anything as we are human, don't be sad, i know no body can replace our mum , she is the person who do everthing 4 us & i can fill the pain when we lost somebody that we love! it's a faith. As a friend we will be with u forever to share your sadness.
-TQ DJ Epoi 2 crete a block 2 share the journey of life 4 our non muslim friends in Dekon.

(Dekon) Maliga Rajan

Anonymous said...

This is a faith from god, we can't do anything as we are human, don't be sad, i know no body can replace our mum , she is the person who do everthing 4 us & i can fill the pain when we lost somebody that we love! it's a faith. As a friend we will be with u forever to share your sadness.
-TQ DJ Epoi 2 crete a block 2 share the journey of life 4 our non muslim friends in Dekon.

(Dekon) Maliga Rajan

MariaFaizal said...

Condolences to Prakash & families.

Kaiser said...

Salam takziah dari gue jugok, buat prakash, semoga tabahkan diri...Salam